Making it Rain

A premium lead generation program tailored to real estate agents.
So what's all this fuss about? What is Making it Rain?
Lead Generation
At its heart, Making it Rain is a flagship lead generation program designed to empower real estate agents to do what they do best without all the hassle and expertise that goes into generating leads. We do what we do best so that you can do what you do best: win/win.
Targeting w/ Keywords
When you sign up for the Google Adwords Making It Rain program, the leads tend to end up having more urgency and intent then internet leads generated from another source. Simply put, when using Google Adwords, we target “buy keywords.” If you select Seattle as your desired market, we target people searching things like “Seattle Real Estate” and “Homes For Sale In Seattle.” Naturally, someone searching for these type of things is probably really interested in buying or selling real estate in the future. So driving this kind of traffic to your website can only produce better than average results.
Internet Leads
These are internet leads so you will get a variety of prospects. Some people will be ready to buy in the next month or so, but most will be looking at properties because they have an interest in buying in the next 3 – 6 months. Not to mention you might get the occasional lead who promises they are “Darth Vader” or “Mickey Mouse.” Luckily, the KVCore system does a magnificent job of providing value over time and, therefore, converting even some of the worst of prospects.
Picking Your Target Area
With your Making It Rain campaign, we can target cities, towns, neighborhoods, and even large subdivisions. We suggest areas with, on average, 100+ listings. You’ll know your area best. If locals tend to refer to particular areas by neighborhood names, then we recommend selecting a few neighborhoods. If people tend to refer to the area by a town name or city name, those tend to produce better results. Article > Picking Target Areas That Will Produce.
How much should I invest?
Google Adwords operates using “Pay Per Click.” What makes this great is your budget is only used up when someone clicks on your ad’s link and ends up on your website. Using Google Adwords guarantees that when you spend $100, $1,000, or even $10,000 on their advertising, you’ll see that equivalent of traffic.
Keep in mind that, with any marketing program, it’s going to take some time to see results.