How to LEAD, DELEGATE & Become TIME Millionaire. Order your book today! Start your journey to becoming a time millionaire!

Here's What You'll Get From This Read:

In this book, I’m sharing the secrets of efficient delegation and time management that have transformed my life. From trading time for money to having money work for me, I’ll guide you through practical procedures and strategies to streamline your tasks and reclaim your time. Delegation isn’t just about offloading tasks; it’s about creating more time for what truly matters. I’ll cover everything from hiring virtual assistants to automating processes, empowering you to become a “time millionaire” and live a more fulfilling life. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or simply seeking to boost productivity, this book offers actionable insights to help you achieve your goals.

Unlock Secrets

Free up your time and building a business that serves you, your family, and your soul with Chantel Ray’s newest book. This step-by-step playbook is your guide to achieving a balanced and fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. Don’t miss the opportunity to transform your life and business! 

Unique Insights

While there are countless books on ‘time management’ for entrepreneurs, this groundbreaking book focuses on ‘time freedom.’ Get unique insights from an expert who has successfully scaled businesses while enjoying an incredible lifestyle. This is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve true balance and success!

Transform Your Life and Business by Focusing Only on What You Love!

Imagine a life and business where you dedicate your time to what you truly love. Success isn’t about grinding harder or finding more hours in the day. It’s about implementing systems and mindset shifts that allow you to engage in high-value work that energizes and fulfills you.

Trading money for time can bring unprecedented success, reduce stress, and maximize happiness. While reading this book, you’ll discover:

Meet The Author

Chantel Ray

Chantel Ray started out in real estate created a Team.

“Her Team” sold 1,500 transactions and then created her own company.

Chantel Ray Real estate and then changed the name to CanZell realty which is now in 18 states.

Her vision is to create a global real estate company providing agents with technology, training, support, and leadership so that they can provide a wow-ing experience to their clients.

She wants agents to have ownership and revenue share.

Chantel is married to her husband, Rhyan, has a daughter, Shayla, and a son, Kyle.

is the ultimate guide for entrepreneurs at every level, teaching you how to achieve business success while enjoying more freedom than you ever imagined.